
Seym.pro email verifier is available through our simple REST API that can automatically clean your email lists and integrate email verification into your software. Our lightning-fast API can verify lists of thousands of emails, with an individual approach to each email.

Unlike many other email checkers on the market, who restrict email verification depending on the user plan, we believe your efficiency and workflow are our priority. Therefore, there are no restrictions on verification speed or volume.

Making authenticated requests

To begin using Seym.pro API, you need to generate an authorization token and include it in the authorization header in every call you make to our API. The authorization token is always required. We'll return an error if the authorization header is left empty or the authorization token is invalid.

Here’s an example of an authorization token:
Authorization: Bearer tf4Si1LydYpTAPyHXUgjig72jlrd5HpIJL5oigmc

To get an authorization token, send a POST request to the https://api.seym.pro/oauth/v2/token endpoint with the following parameters:

grant_type This is the client credentials
client_id The client ID you received when you completed registration at Seym.pro
client_secret The client secret you received when you completed registration at Seym.pro

The server will reply with an authorization token and its expiration time:

      "access_token": "ZmI4YWRhZWU4OTEzNTdiZDYzN2RkMTY3YmZkYmJkY2E3MjJhZTM2Y2RkMzM5MjM3M2JkZTJkODlmNzgwMjdlOA",
      "expires_in": 3600,
      "token_type": "bearer",
      "scope": null

Email verification

GET https://api.seym.pro/api/emailStatus

Seym.pro email verifier needs an email address to return the verification results. In the results, you will see if the verified email address is existing, valid, and deliverable.

The number of verifications is only limited by your balance. We don't charge for catch-all emails and duplicate verifications requests.

Input parameters:
Email (Required) The email address you want to verify.

If the server can, it will return the verification results immediately. See the sample below.

      "status": "valid",
      "validFormat": 1,
      "disposable": 0,
      "freeMail": 0,
      "gibberish": 0
validFormat Is “true” if the format of the email is correct, i.e. it contains valid symbols in the correct order.
disposable Is “true” if we find that the email address is from a disposable email service.
freeMail Is “true” if the email address is webmail.
gibberish Is “true” if the email address has been automatically generated.
status Can return "valid ","not_valid" or "catch all".

If it takes the server longer than expected to return the result, it will reply with a "verification in progress" status. See the example below:

      "status": "verification in progress"

In this case, please give the server some time to process your request, and repeat your request later.

User info

GET https://api.seym.pro/api/user

With this endpoint, you can receive your profile information and the remaining balance. This endpoint does not need any input parameters.

See the response example below:

      "email": "example@example.com",
      "fullName": "Alexandr",
      "verificationsLimit": 97